Saturday, August 31, 2013

Where there is a will there is a way.......

Shri. Shivraj Gilva's (  Mamlatdar, Deesa) visit to the settlements of Nomadic and De-notified communities on the Raksha Bandhan day has had the exact consequences we had anticipated. The visit helped him witness the daily struggle of survival these communities endure. At the end of his visit he had asked Ishwarbhai, VSSM Regional Coordinator,   to file applications for Antyoday ration cards on immediate basis. Ishwarbhai prepared and submitted applications for 46 families from the settlements of Deesa. On 26th August 2013,  just 4 days after the visit all the 46 families received their Antyoday Ration cards which entitles them to 35 kgs of free grains and kerosene every month.